Quantum Astrology

The new Age of Aquarius with it’s paradigm of Quantum Physics is no less than a wake up call to man kind. Only a fool would not admit that the world is in chaos. Wars, hunger disease etc. Why? Because man kind, as a whole has left the path of spirituality and turned a blind eye to his Divine Destiny. The Divine Destiny of all mankind is and has always been becoming less bestial and more God like. The Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tell us that the world as we see and experience it, is in fact a a projections of the thoughts and emotions and actions of the mass mind of humanity. The mass mind is the sum total of every mind on the planet. This is what is meant by “The All” or We are all One.”

We are connected by our thoughts and feelings. The majority of mankind is dumb and ignorant of why things are the way they are. Even if they knew, they would not or could not change it. I write these articles for the 5% of humanity, which is conscious. The 5% who act as the yeast within the loaf of bread, called Humanity. The good news, is that this 5% of Conscious Humanity is enough to keep the rest of Humanity from sinking below a level of consciousness that would result in destruction of Man kind. This has happened before, during the Atlantean, the Hyperperbeon and the Mu periods. There is no guarantee that Humanity will survive this latest dip into bestiality. We need to get back on track. We need a road map, a blueprint that will help us all become more conscious.

We have one, the new paradigm of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics has given us one. These Laws tell us that we are all individual souls in the Mind of God. The infinite Soul. We blink out of the Mind of God into the Quantum Ocean where we experience life. It is our Life Experiences that determine where we are individually or massively raise our levels of consciousness and become more God like or drop down lower and lower. Everything around us has it’s equivalent, Divine Blueprint in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. There is a Divine Plan, a Divine Blueprint of how we should live our lives to become more conscious. It is the Science of Astrology.

The whole galaxy, as well as our Solar System runs smoothly because they follow their Astrological time clock. Man has forgotten that he has built within himself his own Astrological time clock. There is a right time in our lives to do anything we want as long as we follow this clock. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us there are a million things we can do and have and million things we cannot do nor have. Our individual Astrological clocks will tell us what they are and when we can expect them.

Our individual Astrological clock is built into our individual Solar charts. It is time for us to wipe off the dust from our Astrological Solar chart. Time to follow our individual Divine timing factors. By doing this will do many more things consciously. As we do things more consciously, we will become more conscious. As we individually become more conscious, humanity will rise out of the depths of bestiality once more into the light.

By arnia

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