When you are putting together a corporate entertainment event there is a lot that you have to do. You need to think about what kind of food will be served, what the entertainment will be, who will give speeches, what prizes you will have and how you are going to ensure everyone has something to do and some place to stay during the evening. This is a lot of work, and if you are one person putting it together, you going to be swamped with work. That can be way too much to do, especially when you are already doing work within the company. So, what can you do?
You need to talk with those within the company and explain to them that putting on a corporate entertainment event is a cooperative undertaking. Some of the ways you can get people to help you with the corporate entertainment event includes:
1. Go around and talk with your co-workers to see who can help you put the corporate event on with you. Look for people who have skills with certain areas of corporate entertainment and you will make things very easy on yourself.
2. Have a sign-up sheet in the break room where people can sign up to help out. This is a great way to find people if you do not want to ask anyone and instead want them to come to you.
3. Send out a global e-mail to everyone in the company to find people who will want to work with you on the corporate entertainment event.
These are just three ways that you can put on a great corporate event without stressing yourself out. By using these three ways, you can focus on getting the event to be the best one possible, with help from your co-workers.